HomeGarden & OutdoorsGenerators & Portable PowerGenerator AccessoriesCords, Plugs & AdaptersScissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket
product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-1product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-2product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-3product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-4product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-5product_image_name-Generic-Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket-6

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Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket

KSh 1,734
KSh 2,80438%

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  • Product Line: cbwhomedecor
  • Model: gYu1118001
  • Production Country: China
  • Weight (kg): 0.105
  • Main Material: N/A
  • From the Manufacturer: N/A
  • Care Label: N/A
  • Shop Type: Jumia Mall

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Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket

Scissor Jack Adapter Drill Adapter for 1/2 Inch Drive/Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench/Tire Iron or Socket

KSh 1,734
KSh 2,80438%
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