Shop Valentines Day Gifts in Kenya
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Celebrate Valentine's Day in the office
Decorate the office
A quick, easy and affordable way to show your appreciation for staff is to decorate your office space. Decorate with streamers, edible flower arrangements and even balloons, to create a positive space. You can even place an appreciation card on each employee's desk
Make a donation
Making a charitable donation is a great way to spread some love on behalf of your company. Make use of Order-In's donation option at checkout, to not only order something tasty, but donate to a good cause.
An appreciation board
Set up a board where staff can post their appreciation for others. Supply a few markers, post it notes, nice paper and encourage employees to share the love with colleagues, or write the name of someone they may appreciate!
Order some cookies and create a goodie bag to place on employee's desks or the kitchen table. People can then help themselves to a tasty treat alongside their morning coffee or. After all, everybody loves cookies!
A tea party
Whether it is morning or afternoon tea, get some office catering for the Valentine's season. Cupcakes, cups of tea, brownies and an assortment of treats will make anyone smile.
A little valentines appreciation for your office mates
Valentine’s Day is not just for the romantically inclined! It is a time to recognize all kinds of people in your life for their kindness, support, and work the rest of the year. Study after study shows that recognition for doing something well at work, not money, is the top motivator of employee performance.
While retailers are exhibiting all kinds of ideas to show appreciation for romantic relationships, chances are you spend more awake time with the people you work with than your sweetie.