HomeChristmas Pudding

Christmas Pudding

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Merry Christmas!! Best Prices for the December Global Holidays

Shop Online for Christmas Pudding in Kenya

Christmas comes once a year and it is a period when Christians faithful celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This festive period is a time of celebration, sharing, loving and merriment. But this year’s celebration will be taken a notch higher. Jumia Kenya will be celebrating the 2021 Christmas with some exciting deals. In the spirit of Xmas, there is going to be massive price cuts on a wide range of items. You wouldn't want to miss out on this great offers.

Christmas Pudding Details and price in Kenya

Christmas pudding is a type of pudding traditionally served as part of the Christmas dinner in Britain, Ireland and in other countries where it has been brought by British and Irish immigrants. It has its origins in medieval England, and is sometimes known as plum pudding or just "pud", though this can also refer to other kinds of boiled pudding involving dried fruit. Despite the name "plum pudding", the pudding contains no actual plums due to the pre-Victorian use of the word "plums" as a term for raisins. The pudding has been heavily mythologized, including the erroneous idea that it is traditionally composed of thirteen ingredients, symbolizing Jesus and the Twelve Apostles. Early recipes include little more than suet, dried fruit, breadcrumbs, flour, eggs and spice, along with liquid which may be milk or fortified wine. Later recipes became more elaborate.