Mondia whitei also known as mukombero is the root of Whites’s ginger, a slow-growing vine found in several parts of Africa. In Kenya it is known as 'mukombero', and the rootstock is often collected for medicinal use, most commonly as an aphrodisiac. Mukombero powder is full of proteins, vital minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium, and vitamins such as A, D, K and E. In addition, its vanilla taste in the roots brings out a sweet flavor in tea.
Publications have indicated evidence of the plant’s ability to increase libido, and increase potency in males by improving garmetes motility. Additionally, mukombero improves mental performance and brain function, is a natural aphrodisiac bringing out the sexual desires, prevents flus, lowers blood sugar levels, bosts the immune system and has anti-aging properties, boosting longevity.
To use mukombero powder, simply add a table spoon of the powder in a glass of warm water daily, preferrably after meals. Since results may vary from individual to individual, feel free to increase or reduce the recommended dosage to achieve the intended results