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Jumia Books Outliers Book by Malcolm Gladwell

KSh 750
KSh 1,20038%

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Product details

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell explores the factors that contribute to high levels of success, such as opportunity, cultural background, and practice. It challenges the idea that success is purely based on individual talent or merit and provides insights into how to create a culture of success.


Key Features

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell explores the factors that contribute to high levels of success, such as opportunity, cultural background, and practice. It challenges the idea that success is purely based on individual talent or merit and provides insights into how to create a culture of success.

What’s in the box

1 book


  • Weight (kg): 0.3

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Jumia Books Outliers Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Jumia Books Outliers Book by Malcolm Gladwell

KSh 750
KSh 1,20038%
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