HomeElectronicsCamerasTripods & MonopodsTable-Top Tripods & Mini TripodsTripod Stand, 3 Meter Lapel Mic, Phone Holder & Knob - 1.2Meters Tall Stand
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Tripod Stand, 3 Meter Lapel Mic, Phone Holder & Knob - 1.2Meters Tall Stand

KSh 2,388
KSh 3,38830%

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Product details

  • 7 ft / 210 cm photography light stands for reflectors, softboxes, lights, umbrellas, backgrounds


  • Description:
    - This lightweight 83 "rack is constructed of aluminum alloy, giving it exceptional strength for heavy duty jobs. for easy storage and transport, the rack folds up easily and is very light to carry. locks ensure the safety of your lighting equipment in compliant with industry standards, this holder supports all major photo equipment including reflectors, soft boxes, lights, umbrellas, backgrounds and more.
    - It is a perfect mount for both studio and on-site use!
  • Specifications:
    - Folded height (approx.): 2.36 ft / 28.3 "/ 72 cm
    - maximum height (approx.): 7 ft / 83 "/ 210 cm
    - max. load capacity (approx.): 5.51 lbs / 2.5 kg
    - 210 cm tripod light stand soft boxes, suitable for home and office, occasions like photo shoots, mounted thermometer, camera, projector, photography studio stand, video studio stand, digital lightweight mobile phone stand camera tripods. very durable and made of strong Aluminum.




Key Features


  1. 7 ft / 2.1-meter photography light stand
  2. Supports all major photo equipment including reflectors, soft boxes, lights, umbrellas, backgrounds etc.
  3. Folded height (approx.): 72 cm
  4.  Maximum height (approx.):  210 cm
  5. Package includes: 2.1 Meter Tripod Stand, 1 x Phone Holder, 1 x Pan & Tilt Knob , 1 x 3 Meter Lapel Mic

What’s in the box

  • 1 x 2.1 Meter Tripod Stand
  • 1 x Phone Holder
  • 1 x Pan & Tilt Knob 
  • 1 x 3 Meter Lapel Mic


  • Size (L x W x H cm): 81 x 6 x 6
  • Weight (kg): 0.003
  • Main Material: Aluminum
  • Shop Type: Jumia Mall

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Tripod Stand, 3 Meter Lapel Mic, Phone Holder & Knob - 1.2Meters Tall Stand

Tripod Stand, 3 Meter Lapel Mic, Phone Holder & Knob - 1.2Meters Tall Stand

KSh 2,388
KSh 3,38830%
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