HomeElectronicsAccessories & SuppliesCamera AccessoriesTelescope AccessoriesBarlow LensesOutdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular
product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-1product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-2product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-3product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-4product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-5product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-6product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-7product_image_name-Generic-Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular-8

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Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular

KSh 1,273 - KSh 4,950

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+ shipping from KSh 188 to CBD - UON/Globe/Koja/River Road
0 out of 5
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Delivery Fees KSh 188
Ready for pickup between 11 January and 15 January if you place your order within the next 22hrs 4mins

Door Delivery

Delivery Fees KSh 248
Ready for delivery between 11 January and 15 January if you place your order within the next 22hrs 4mins

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60%Seller Score



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Shipping speed: Very Poor

Quality Score: Excellent

Customer Rating: Excellent

Product details

Standard 147g, full set 192g, handheld set 246g
Product size: 128x40x40mm
Color box size: 137.5x68x73mm
Individual net weight: 100g
Single gross weight: 191g
Packing quantity: 100pcs
Outer box size: 71x37x29cm
Gross weight: 20.5kg


Key Features

Standard 147g, full set 192g, handheld set 246g
Product size: 128x40x40mm
Color box size: 137.5x68x73mm
Individual net weight: 100g
Single gross weight: 191g
Packing quantity: 100pcs
Outer box size: 71x37x29cm
Gross weight: 20.5kg


  • Weight (kg): 1kg

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Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular

Outdoor 18x25 high-definition mobile phone concert shooting 28x external telephoto lens monocular

KSh 1,273 - KSh 4,950
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