HomeGroceryFood CupboardMargarine, Jams, Honey & SpreadsHoneyliquid gold honey, Pure Gold Honey, Akili Foods Gold Honey
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liquid gold honey, Pure Gold Honey, Akili Foods Gold Honey

KSh 1,000

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Product details

Indulge in the unparalleled richness of Gold Honey from Akili Foods. Known for its exquisite taste and remarkable health benefits, our liquid gold honey is a true gift from nature. Whether you're searching for pure gold honey or looking for the perfect gold honey packAkili Foods delivers a premium, sustainable product that elevates your wellness and culinary experience.


Key Features

Gold Honey Benefits: 

  • It’s a powerful superfood that supports your immune system and boosts energy
  • Gold honey promotes digestive health and helps heal the gut
  • Akili Foods gold honey enhances skin and hair health
  • Pure gold honey helps manage allergies, etc

What’s in the box

1 Gold Honey


  • Production Country: Kenya
  • Weight (kg): 0.5
  • Main Material: Glass
  • Care Label: <h4><strong>Gold Honey Care Instructions</strong></h4><p><strong>1. Storage:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Keep Cool and Dry</strong>: Store honey in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.</li><li><strong>Ideal Temperature</strong>: Maintain at room temperature (between 50°F and 70°F or 10°C and 21°C).</li><li><strong>Avoid Refrigeration</strong>: Refrigerating honey can cause it to crystallize faster.</li></ul><p><strong>2. Handling:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Secure the Lid</strong>: Ensure the jar is tightly sealed after each use to prevent moisture absorption and contamination.</li><li><strong>Handle with Care</strong>: The glass jar is fragile; avoid dropping or knocking it against hard surfaces.</li></ul><p><strong>3. Usage:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Clean Utensils</strong>: Use dry, clean utensils to scoop honey, preventing water or other contaminants from entering the jar.</li><li><strong>Crystallization</strong>: If honey crystallizes, place the jar in warm water (not boiling) and stir until crystals dissolve.</li></ul><p><strong>4. Shelf Life:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Long-Lasting</strong>: Honey has a long shelf life if stored properly. Check for any changes in color, aroma, or taste before use.</li><li><strong>Expiry Date</strong>: Refer to the “Best Before” date on the jar for optimal quality.</li></ul><p><strong>5. Reuse and Recycling:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Glass Jar</strong>: The glass jar can be reused or recycled. Clean thoroughly before reusing for food storage.</li><li><strong>Lid Disposal</strong>: Dispose of or recycle the lid according to local recycling guidelines.</li></ul><p><strong>6. Safety:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Not for Infants</strong>: Do not feed honey to infants under 12 months due to the risk of botulism.</li><li><strong>Allergy Awareness</strong>: If you have allergies to bee products, consult your doctor before consuming honey.</li></ul><p><strong>7. Additional Tips:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Pairing</strong>: Enjoy your honey with tea, toast, or as a natural sweetener in recipes.</li><li><strong>Flavor Enhancement</strong>: Use honey to enhance the flavor of both sweet and savory dishes.</li></ul><p><strong>Note:</strong> For more information on our Gold Honey or to explore recipes and usage tips, visit our website at www.akilifoods.co.ke or contact our customer service team at 0704309577/ 0708606033</p>

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liquid gold honey, Pure Gold Honey, Akili Foods Gold Honey

liquid gold honey, Pure Gold Honey, Akili Foods Gold Honey

KSh 1,000
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