Features: Natural facial rollers have many benefits including promoting blood circulation and reducing wrinkles. A smooth rolling action can help your skin glow and look healthy.
How to Use: Apply a little serum or face oil on the skin to allow the roller to glide well on the skin.
Neck: Begin rolling around the neck, rolling in a gentle upward motion and move upwards towards the jawline.
Face: Start rolling from one side of the face to the other via small sections, starting from the bottom of the face. Always roll from the center to the outside, lifting slightly upwards. For the bottom of the face, start at the chin and proceed along the jaw line towards the ear.
Eyes: Use a smaller roller on the skin around the eye and always move from the inner corner to the outer corner. Do not apply too much pressure around this area as the skin around the eyes are very delicate and thin, always proceed with outward strokes. First massage the eyelids and then move to below the eyebrows. Always clean the roller with a damp towel after use and disinfect if necessary.
Tips: You can keep the facial jade roller in the fridge and it helps to reduce morning puffiness and get the skin refreshed -