Instantly and seamlessly glued back as its new. Cracks, damages, loose ends on your favourite items might give you pain in the heart. Why spending on replacements when you can repair them with theWelding High-Strength Oily Gluethat can give them back to you as good as new. TheWelding High-Strength Oily Glueis formulated to give your broken items an instant bond. Its waterproof and shockproof feature makes the repairdurableandguaranteednot to wear off.Unlike cement glues, this oily glue is going to give you asoft and strong bondon everything you do.
Instant Bond-Welding High Strength Oily Glue repairs the products in a strong bond instantly. Quick and easy. Repairs like magic. Waterproof & Shockproof - Strong bond does not wear off even after washed several times. The bond will not lose its durability even if you put tension on it. Soft And Strong - Retains your item's original look by adhering i