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product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-1product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-2product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-3product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-4product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-5product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-6product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-7product_image_name-Generic-African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit-8

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African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit

KSh 742 - KSh 876
KSh 1,483 - KSh 1,61850%

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+ shipping from KSh 121 to CBD - UON/Globe/Koja/River Road
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Delivery Fees KSh 121
Ready for pickup between 11 January and 15 January if you place your order within the next 22hrs 13mins

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Delivery Fees KSh 231
Ready for delivery between 11 January and 15 January if you place your order within the next 22hrs 13mins

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Seller Information

Guangzhou Zhengchangshen Trading Co., Ltd

60%Seller Score

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Quality Score: Excellent

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Key Features


  • Origin: Mainland China
  • Place of Shipment: Guangdong Province
  • Material Type: Stainless steel


  • Weight (kg): 0.03

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African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit

African hot-selling Western tableware steak knife and fork three-piece stainless steel fork spoon household kit

KSh 742 - KSh 876
KSh 1,483 - KSh 1,61850%
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