1pc Deep Fryer Pot, Fryer Stainless Steel Frying Pot With Thermometer, Suitable For Kitchen French Fries, Chicken And More, Gas Stove Electromagnetic Stove Universal, Kitchen Cookware
KSh 8,010
KSh 16,02050%
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Cookware Features: Induction stovetop compatible Material: Stainless Steel Cookware Finish: Stainless Steel Power Supply: Use without power Brand: Kaket Item ID: DV130454 Store Information:
Size (L x W x H cm): null x null x null cm
Weight (kg): 1
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1pc Deep Fryer Pot, Fryer Stainless Steel Frying Pot With Thermometer, Suitable For Kitchen French Fries, Chicken And More, Gas Stove Electromagnetic Stove Universal, Kitchen Cookware