Shop Anti-aging Skin Care Products from Jumia Kenya
Aging is a fact that everyone has to face. There is no person in this world who will not become old or face the symptoms of aging. Face or skin, being most prominent portions of body, are strongly effected by signs of aging. Wrinkles, sagging skin and dark spots, these are some of the names that are not appreciated. But skin care brands produce creams, serums, cleansers and masks to shield such unpleasant signs or remove them to some extent.
To buy anti-aging kits, there is a wide variety of options on Jumia Kenya. Order anti-aging creams, scrubs and eye treatments at the best prices online.
Anti-aging Creams
The soft form of this product is easy to apply on face. There are two distinctive anti-aging creams. Daytime creams comprise of SPF which prevent skin damages. When your skin is relaxing at night, in less light, the process of repairing tissues effectively works. During this time, such night creams also have chance to show their benefits.
Anti-aging Cleansers
Cleansers thoroughly clean the skin. Most of times, when we apply makeup or have spent whole day
outside the house in open air, your face is layered with dirt. Because of this layer, it becomes impossible
to apply anti-aging treatments because they cannot reach pores. For this reason, there are anti-aging
Anti-aging Eye Solutions
Discoloration, sagging and wrinkles, these are the signs which are intensely faced by eyes with passage
of time. Anti-aging eye solutions do not contain strong ingredients and can be gently applied after
Anti-aging Scrubs
Scrubs are not recommended to be used every day as they are more aggressive than cleansers. Anti-aging scrubs removes dead skins and new and fresh skin is ultimately revealed.
Anti-aging ingredients
There are number of ingredients contained in various anti-aging products that play their finest roles to give fruitful results.  There is vitamin A derivative in many anti-wrinkles creams and other essentials called retinoid, which has property to maintain elasticity and firmness of skin and to reduce lines. For protecting skin against irritants and pollution, there is a vitamin B3 derivative called niacin amide. A natural substance usually found in healthy skin is hyaluronic acid is also there in such anti-aging wares. For protection from aging effects of sun, there is also SPF.