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Dio Pit Digester Latrine Septic Systems

KSh 1,050
KSh 2,50058%

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Those of us with daily access to clean and efficiently flushing toilets don't think twice about the hazards of unsafe sanitation, which include diseases like cholera, dysentery and environmental pollution.
Cholera outbreaks tend to receive widespread media attention and speedy, crisis-management responses. Less talked about, but just as deadly, is acute diarrhoea, which is a direct consequence of poor water and sanitation provision. Diarrhoea kills more than 50 000 Kenyan children every year and effects millions more. The acute health problems that exist or can potentially arise in certain of the urban and in almost all the rural areas of our developing country are as a result of either non-existing or inadequate waste matter treatment.
DIO pit Digester can make a very significant contribution to the prevention to the spread of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, and typhoid which are caused by the lack of waste treatment facilities.
What is waste matter?Waste matter (faeces) is what remains after food has been digested, discharged from the bowels. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with toxic organic and inorganic compounds. Human waste is a waste type usually used to refer to by-products of digestion, such as faeces and urine. Human waste is most often transported as sewage in waste water through sewerage systems. Alternatively it is disposed of in nappies (diapers) in municipal solid waste. Human waste can be a serious health hazard, as it is a good vector (an organism that transmits a particular disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another or both viral and bacterial diseases) A major accomplishment of human civilization has been the reduction of disease transmission via human waste through the practice of hygiene and sanitation, including the development of sewage systems and plumbing. Human waste can be reduced or reused through use of waterless urinals and composting toilets and grey water. The most common method of waste treatment in rural areas where municipal sewage systems are unavailable is the use of the septic tank systems/Pit latrine.
How is the wastewate biologically treated?The wastewater treatment in regard to the above three systems is based on the principles of biodegradation Biodegradation isthe process by which organic (derived from living matter) substances are broken down by other living organisms.Biodegradable matter is generally organic material such as plant & animal matter and other substances originating from livingorganismsBiodegradation is natural way of recycling wastes, or breaking down organic matter into nutrients that can be used by otherorganisms."Degradation" means decay, and the "bio-" prefixx means that the decay is carried out by a huge assortment of (living) bacteria,fungi, insects, worms, and other organisms that eat dead material and recycle it into new forms.In nature, there is no waste because everything gets recycled. The waste products from one organism become the food forothers, providing nutrients and energy while breaking down the waste organic matter. Some organic materials will break downmuch faster than others, but all will eventually decay.By harnessing these natural forces of biodegradation, people can reduce wastes and clean up some types of environmentalcontaminants.Through composting natural biodegradation organic wastes are accelerated and converted to a valuable resource.Wastewater treatment using DIO Pit Digester also accelerates natural forces of biodegradation. In this case the purpose is tobreak down organic matter so that it will not cause pollution problems when the water is released into the environment.Wastewater treatment uses microbes (micro-organism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation) to decomposeorganic (organic relating to or derived from living matter) matter in sewage.If to much untreated sewage or other organic matter is added to a lake or stream, dissolved oxygen levels will drop too low tosupport sensitive species of fish and other aquatic life.Wastewater treatment systems are designed to digest much of the organic matter before the wastewater is released so that thiswill not occur.Sludge, the collection of solids that are removed during wastewater treatment, requires processing to reduce odour and watercontent. Depending on the disposal method, the sludge also may undergo treatment to decompose organic matter or killdisease-causing organisms.Bio-augmentation (augmentation means to increase) this is simply the introduction of a group of natural microbial (microscopicorganism see next paragraph)) strain or a genetically engineered variant so as to achieve bioremediation.Bioremediation can be defined as any process that uses micro orgasms (microscopic organism, especially a bacterium, virus, orfungus) fungi, green plants or their enzymes( a substance produced by a living organism and acting as a catalyst to promote aspecific biochemical reaction) [catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing anypermanent chemical change] to return the environment [The natural environment comprises all living and non-living things thatoccur naturally on earth] altered by contaminants (matter that makes impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous orpolluting substances) to its original condition.The sludge accumulated in a wastewater treatment process must be treated and disposed of in a safe and effective manner.The basic principle of biological wastewater treatment is the bio-degradation of organic pollutants by a diversified population ofbacteria. This population or community is known as the biomass (the total quantity or weight of organisms in a given area orvolume)
BENEFITSBiodegrade, empty, the total sewerage and paper content of a pit toilet (long drop) in between 5 to 20 days withoutcontaminating the groundwater with waterborne diseases including cholera.• Biodegrade the hydrogen sulphides, the sewerage smell, within 24hrs to 48hrs;• Biodegrade the solid euent in the chambers of a septic tank including decongesting the soak-away, rendering the system• Decongest the anaerobic and aerobic solid euent in oxidation and maturation ponds at a far less a cost of conventional• Accelerate the biodegradation process in hydraulically overloaded sewerage works to accommodate the extra load and to• Biodegrade sewerage spills in rivers and dams rendering the water safe again;• Bioremediation of contaminated soil and water by hydrocarbons.


Key Features

  • Prevents latrines and septic tanks from filling up
  • Clear blocked drainage pipes
  • Repels flies
  • Eliminates bad smell
  • Kills germs and improves hygiene
  • Environmentally friendly
Dosage: Single full dose: After 3 months put 250gm in 5lts of water. Pit latrine: Mix 750gms per 15 ltrs of water and pour into the latrine. Repeat 1 packet into 5ltrs every 3months. Blocked drainage: 1 packet into 2ltrs and pour into WC and flush. Repeat every 3months. Bad smell: 1 packet per 2ltrs of water and pour into source of smell. Kitchen: Use half a packet per liter of water, pour in sink and leave over night, flush sink the next morning.

What’s in the box

- DIO Pit Digester


  • Size (L x W x H cm): -
  • Main Material: Dio Pit Digester

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Product Reviews (1)

3 out of 5


It does eliminate smell yes but it certainly doesn't reduce the level of the septic. I will use it for smell elimination

04-07-2021by Lyne
Verified Purchase
Dio Pit Digester Latrine Septic Systems

Dio Pit Digester Latrine Septic Systems

KSh 1,050
KSh 2,50058%
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