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Amaze Television Guards

KSh 930

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Product details

Buy Amaze TV Guard Voltage Protector and protect your LED/LCD TV and home entertainment system against all power fluctuations. It provides protection against high voltage disconnect 230V as well as against low voltage. It provides spike/surge protection and power back surge protection. It has microprocessor control. It provides lightning protection as well. Moreover, this voltage protector protects LED/LCD TV up to 65inch and your home entertainment system.

The Amaze TV Guard protects against high voltage, brown-outs, and voltage dips. These conditions are harmful to electrical and electronic equipment.

Low power (under-voltage) will certainly damage any appliance compressor. The TV Guard protects your appliance by disconnecting the power when it goes below unacceptable level. Additionally, there is a delay when power returns to normal. This will ensure that the appliance is not switched on-off repeatedly during fluctuations nor is it subjected to a massive surge normally experienced when power returns after power cuts.


Key Features

Buy Amaze TV Guard Voltage Protector and protect your LED/LCD TV and home entertainment system against all power fluctuations. It provides protection against high voltage disconnect 230V as well as against low voltage. It provides spike/surge protection and power back surge protection. It has microprocessor control. It provides lightning protection as well. Moreover, this voltage protector protects LED/LCD TV up to 65inch and your home entertainment system.

The Amaze TV Guard protects against high voltage, brown-outs, and voltage dips. These conditions are harmful to electrical and electronic equipment.

Low power (under-voltage) will certainly damage any appliance compressor. The TV Guard protects your appliance by disconnecting the power when it goes below unacceptable level. Additionally, there is a delay when power returns to normal. This will ensure that the appliance is not switched on-off repeatedly during fluctuations nor is it subjected to a massive surge normally experienced when power returns after power cuts.


  • Weight (kg): 0.3

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Amaze Television Guards

Amaze Television Guards

KSh 930
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